I'm sure that is what the local Cochabambinos thought when they saw Maggie go by this sunday. She is accompanied by her personal body guard, Thomas. We have been warned that if you bike alone, on the little used but beautiful city bike trail, you may be stopped and robbed of your bike. Not sure if the thiefs would be able to turn a profit on roller skis. I think the city planners were 20 years ahead of themselves when they put in this trail. No one seems to know what to do with it.
A special week here at the local barrio catholic parish of "Divino Nino Jesus". Each day contains a special mass. Next sunday is the benidiction of the bicycles (we will bring our new bicicletas (bicycles)to be sure!)not sure if the blessings will work against theft or breakdowns or accidents, but we'll take anything. I went by myself to misa (mass ) last sunday to this neighborhood church. Next time I'll venture out to some of the really old classic cathedrals. Catie
maggie u look rockin', babe
By all means bless the bikes AND the skiis! I'm way behind, but am enjoying your trip vicariously! Thank you for including us!
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